• Daniel Marx
  • Juan Bruno
  • Virginia Fernández
  • Martin Ormachea
  • Fernando Baer
  • Nicolas Urtubey
  • Tomás Mercuri
  • Michael Fleischmann
  • Claudia Córdoba
  • Natalia Raymond
  • Rosana Vitale
  • Luciana Tami
  • Juan Sommer
  • Jorge González
Daniel Marx

Daniel Marx is the Executive Director of Quantum Finanzas, a financial boutique based in Buenos Aires which has a strategic international alliance with Evercore Partners. He has an extensive track record in both the private and public sectors, where he held executive positions, such as: Manager in charge of the Corporate Department in Banco Río de la Plata, Director of the Central Bank of Argentina, Managing Director of Darby Overseas Investments, a Private Equity Fund with interests in Latin America. Executive Director of Merchant Bankers Asociados (MBA) and was responsible of the restructuring of Arbol Solo / Inversiones Unidas Group. He was Secretary of Finance of the Argentine Ministry of Economy (2000-1) and Chief Debt Negotiator (1988-2003), then in charge of the design and execution of sovereign debt restructuring, financing program and relationship with international financial institutions and private banks. He also organized the initial public offering of several major Argentine firms. He also was member of the Board of Directors of Banorte (Mexico) and Interbank (Peru). He holds degree in Economics from the University of Buenos Aires. He attended specialized courses in finance, money, credit, international macroeconomics and microeconomics in Argentina, in the United States and in other countries. He also participated and was lecturer in numerous forums on these issues

Juan Bruno

Juan Bruno is Director of Corporate Advisory at Quantum Finanzas. Mr. Bruno lead teams that performed M&A transactions (Patagonia, Gigared, Alpargatas), debt restructurings (TGN, SanCor) and fund rising process (GTA, BGH, Citrusvil, Garantizar). He coordinated and executed company valuations for private firms (TGS, Telecom Argentina, Minera Alumbrera, IBM, Global Crossing, Sedesa) and for Procuración del Tesoro de la Nación. He has conducted analysis and research papers for the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB) both in Argentina and abroad. Mr Bruno was Member of the Board of Provincia Leasing (2016-2019), one of the leading leasing companies in Argentina. Previously, was Associated in Endriven (energy) and an analyst for Moodys Latin America. In the public sector he was Chief of Advisers Cabinet of the Vice Minister of Economy (2008) and advisor of the Secretary of Finance (2000 – 2001). In 2008 – 2009 Mr Bruno was Member of the Board of Foncap, an entity dedicated to microfinance. Mr. Bruno holds a degree with honors in Economics from Buenos Aires University and he took graduated courses in Universidad di Tella. He was Professor in Corporate Finance at Universidad Católica Argentina

Virginia Fernández

Virginia Fernández joined the Portfolio Management & Advice Area’s’ staff in November 2005 as analyst. Currently she is part of the Research Team, that covers a wide range of topics including macroeconomics and financial issues from Argentina and emerging markets. Previously, she worked as an Economist of the Ministry of Economy’s Secretary of Finance (2001-2005). There she had responsibilities in several areas including research and follow up of domestic and international capital markets, valuation and instrumentation of sovereign transactions in local and international markets and she was involved in the Argentine public debt Swap in June 2005.Virginia Fernández is an Economist from Universidad de Buenos Aires and holds a degree in Capital Markets Specialization granted by Universidad de Buenos Aires and The Buenos Aires Stock Market

Martin Ormachea

Mr. Ormachea is part of the founding group of Quantum Finanzas and is an Associate in the Corporate Finance Division. Previously he worked as an intern at Tecgas (Techint Group) and American Financial System (AFS) and since November 2003, when he joined AGM Finanzas (formerly QF Team) has actively participated in several M&A transactions, debt restructuring and fund raising processes, fairness opinion and valuations among other economic and financial topics
Mr. Ormachea holds a Degree in Business Administration from Universidad de San Andrés

Fernando Baer

Mr. Baer joined Quantum Finanzas in July 2014. Currently works as a Senior Economist in the economic-financial area. Previously he worked in the Center for Financial Stability (2003-2010) developing activities related to the financial system and the capital markets, including research applied to diverse topics of public politics in Argentina and the region. He also worked as an Economist in Miguel Angel Broda y Asociados (2003) developing activities of analysis in different areas of relevance in macroeconomics in Argentina
Mr. Baer holds a degree in Economics from University of Buenos Aires and a Master in Economics from University of CEMA. He is author of publications in his area of expertise

Nicolas Urtubey

Mr Urtubey joined the Corporate Finance Division in Octuber 2015 and since then has actively participated in fairness opinions of public and private companies, and in economic analysis of projects both in Argentina and abroad. Previously he worked as an actuarial analyst in Metlife Argentina where he specialized in calibration of multi-product actuarial models for Europe and the United States. He also worked in the financial areas of Gas NEA, a network gas distributor, and Grupo editorial y eventos ASROC
Mr Urtubey holds a degree in Economics from the Universidad Católica Argentina and latercompleted a Master in Finances from Universidad del CEMA

Pedro Rúgolo

Mr. Rugolo joined Quantum Finanzas in June 2016. He is in charge of the back office of the portfolios administrated by Quantum Finanzas and various administrative and support tasks of the area of Asset Management and Financial Advice
Currently he is studying the career of public accountant at the Universidad de Buenos Aires

Juan Sommer

He works with the team in macroeconomic analysis and the elaboration of macroeconomic reports. He was Undersecretary of State for Economic Policy of Argentina and Undersecretary of State for the Treasury and External and Domestic Debt of Argentina. He was a Member of the Board of Directors and manager of the Central Bank of Argentina. Financial advisor to provincial governments in privatization of provincial banks. Financial advisor to provincial governments in domestic and foreign debt deals. Advisor to the Board of Directors of Banco de la Provincia del Neuquén S.A. Consultant of Multinational Organizations such as IDB and World Bank. Financial advisor to private corporations in company valuations and M&A transactions. He has a degree in Economics from Universuty of Buenos Aires and a PH. D Candidate of University of Oxford.

Tomás Mercuri

Claudia Córdoba

Claudia Córdoba joined Quantum Asset Management in June 2022. She is in charge of the Back office area, which includes, among others, the reporting of Quantum Asset Management client portfolios and various administrative and support tasks in the portfolio management area and financial advice. Previously, she worked at Deheza, a subsidiary of Shell Argentina S.A., in the areas of Finance and Accounting, Contract & Procurement, Convenience Retailing, etc. Claudia has a degree in Business Administration from Universidad Nacional de Gral. San Martín.

Michael Fleischmann

Jorge Gonzalez

Jorge Gonzalez Cravino has developed an extensive career in both the private and public sectors. As Managing Director, he was in charge of AyG Finanzas from 1987 to 2019. In this capacity he led a wide range of operations in the areas of mergers and acquisitions - Peñaflor SA, Electricidad de Mendoza SA among others-, debt restructuring, international project financing, development of new businesses as well as valuations and specialized advice for splits or resolution of disputes. He had an extensive performance in the public sector in the National Development Bank between 1970 and 1981. He actively participated in the refinancing of public debt between 1982 and 1987, from the office of the Financial Representative o Argentina in Washington DC and then leading as Undersecretary of the Treasury For the Debt the refinancing agreements of the Argentine public debt both with banks and with the Paris Club between 1983 and 1987. He was a member of the Board of several companies such as - Holcim SA, AECOM Argentina SA among others-. He is Director of the Foundation for the Conservation of the Patagonian Lands. He has been speaker at several seminars on finance issues. He is a Certified Public Accountant and holds a postgraduate degree in business administration from Columbia University.

Natalia Raymond

Rosana Vitale

Luciana Tami